Homemade Pizza 'grab and cook bag'
This is one of my cheats as I use a ready to roll pizza dough, however like many of my batch cook dishes, it’s mainly homemade and certainly better than buying a supermarket pizza. The kids have great fun adding the toppings and I know exactly how much cheese goes into it and what the tomato base is made of.
Use small sealable freezer bags for these pizza raw bags. Simply put all the toppings you want in the bag rather than tell you what you like on your pizza simply add any topping you like, I use…..

Nutrition (per serving)
Ready to roll pizza dough1
Tomato sauce (Ragu, homemade* or topping sauce)0.25 jars
Frozen chopped onions0.5 cups (58 g)
frozen sliced peppers0.5 cups (88 g)
Pepperoni Slices0.5 cups
Grated cheese0.5 cups (30 g)
See my basic tomato sauce recipe, whenever I make my tomato sauce recipe for spag bol. I always add 2 ladle spoons of sauce and an extra bit of tomato puree to a few small sealable freezer bags and label them pizza sauce. That way I never have to buy pizza sauce and I know exactly what is in my homemade recipe.
I put this all in a sealable freezer bag, seal it and label it.
Take a tomato sauce bag, a toppings bag and a rolled pizza base and rubber band these together. Freeze for later.
Top Tip
Get each family member to make up there own bag that way everyone gets what they want.
Ready to Eat?
Simply, take out freezer and defrost, roll out pizza dough onto a tray leaving the parchment paper on, add your tomato sauce and toppings, and add some grated cheese. Cook for about 15-20 min and serve.
These are easy and fun to make, kids can make there own, simply buy extra pizza dough and make bags of toppings up. This saves waste as you can use all the toppings up until you run out.
Loving your recipes. Can you freeze pineapple? As my son’s favourite is ham and pineapple pizza.
Pineapple is not the best frozen it has to high a water content, I would suggest just having small tins in the cupboard for this, so you always have some at hand.
Hi. Where do you buy that pizza dough from please?
Hi – I make pizza dough in my stand mixer and then divide it up and put it in IKEA food bags and smoosh it out to fill the bag. Freeze it flat, and then when you need to use it, tear the bag off and hurrah! Instant pizza base 😁
Hi Catherine, I love your idea – I’m all about time saving hacks and making life easier! Thanks.
Do you buy your frozen veggies, ie. onion, or do you prep & freeze your own? If so, how do i freeze onion does it need any cooking?
I buy the majority of the veg frozen and chopped from the supermarket. The frozen isle has loads of brillant frozen veg. If you are freezing onion, no need to cook it just chop it up and freeze it in a freezer bag. Hope this helps!